Star Wars: Galaxies


Star Wars: Galaxies is an innovative and revolutionary clan. It is  well disciplined and organized. However, what sets SWG apart from the many other mediocre clans are the many different events that we hold. We have two different ladders, many tournaments, and other events, as well as scheduled meetings. When you join, you will join a faction, then a squad. This squad will become your team. You will train with them, and become friends with the other members. The single most important aspect of SWG is the missions. Your squad might be forced to fight a group of Jedi warlords, who have fortified themselves in a high castle. Or perhaps you will free Rebel prisoners from the grasps of the Empire. The possibilites are endless. So join today, fullfill your destiny.
For further info, see the Info and Rules section

To see all new Promotions and Awards Click here

Always and Forever

All rights reserved. All items copyrighted to their respected companies. If not, then items are copyrighted by Zxe or BOND. Duplication in whole or part is strictly forbidden.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at [email protected]

Here is the New SWG Banner. This is not the final version.