Light Must Fall
The Story of the Valley Of The Jedi

 The Jedi Harn squinted as he looked at the horizon. Behind him was a team of Jedi dedicated to finding and converting or eradicating the Dark Brothers. That search had led them to this planet on the galactic rim. "Um…Master Harn? We've picked up a trace. It feels exactly like the presence of the Dark Brothers." Harn turned around to find a young Jedi knight looking at him. He thought about what the cost of human life to destroy the brothers would be. "Sir?" The jedi snapped him out of his thoughts and he replied, "Ok. Divide up into teams and search for the ruins they are supposedly hiding in.". He looked at the horizon again, and his eyes immediately sharpened. There was two forms heading towards the band of Jedi. But from his senses, they where not Jedi. He turned around and gestured towards the figures. "Send…WHOAAAA!" The floor collapsed from beneath them, and they found themselves tumbling down a stairwell. The Jedi hit the ground, and found them-selves in an immense cavern. "Stay sharp. This might be the ruins we're looking for." Suddenly an evil sounding laugh echoed out. "Prepare to die!" And suddenly dark brothers were everywhere, hacking and slashing. The young Jedi screamed out in pain as his arm was cut off. Everywhere, Jedi and dark brothers alike where falling, dead or dying. Harn turned around to block a saber slash, and again to block a stab. Suddenly more Jedi where alert and not caught off-guard, and Harn was temporarily left alone. He turned around to help another Jedi, when suddenly a voice rang out above the others. "HARN! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU." He spun around, and found himself face-to-face with the dark brothers leader, a falleen named Gantiyu. The falleen sported a double bladed lightsaber in the style of Exar Kun, and was definitely evil looking. All the people around them, hacking and slashing and blocking, was suddenly frozen in midair. Then they all slumped down, even the dark brothers, dead from a mass execution sith method. They froze into statues, forever relating the tale of sacrifice and betrayal for generations to come. "My quarrel is with you…Jedi." He suddenly lurched forward, slashing at the space in front of Harn. Harn dodged to the right, and both the Jedi slashed back at each other. Gantiyu fell forward, a look of surprise on his face, and he fell down and lay still. He also turned into a large statue. But Harn did not have much time left himself, he had a saber wound to the stomach. He lay on the steps, thinking in his final seconds of the sacrifice that was made here, and the evil that would come about if the power of the spirits locked in eternal tombs was misused. As his clouds shaded over, he though, My sacrifice, and these other brave peoples sacrifices were made to forever rid the galaxy of the leach that drained the blood of the people, the Dark Brothers, and to eradicate its place in history to prevent the death of millions of innocent people. But to think that if this sacrifice was made for nothing…that is unbearable. He mentally transferred the news of the battle and the location of the valley to his apprentice, a small creature named Yoda, in hope that he would safeguard this location from evil, and when Yoda's time came, he would transfer this knowledge to another valiant being. His thoughts then became blank, and he turned into a statue, lying still against the wall of the cavern.

What happened to…?

The "valiant" person that Yoda confided was the light Jedi Rahn, who in turn told Morgan Katarn. Katarn later, in a data disc told his son, Kyle, who freed the spirits of the entombed Jedi.
Light must fall
The Story of the Valley Of The Jedi

Written By SWG_Wampa